Hi, My name is Kyle Hamby.
I am a Photographer and Creative. I currently serve part-time as an intern at Awaken Church. I believe I am skilled in church photography. However, I also love to do portraits and events. My prices are especially low as I explore the worlds of event and portrait photography. If it doesn't fit in one of those categories, contact me. There's a good chance I'd give it a try and give you a great price for it too.
I love to Create. I am a believer, and I see the beauty of God in everything I create. He's in the people and places, and I believe everything is beautiful because of that. I am constantly in awe of the things God created and what He is doing within his creation. If you've never heard it before, I want to tell you that God loves you. He sent His son to die for you. All you have to do is accept that gift and allow Jesus into your life.